Italy is infected
with too many parasites
which are friends of friends of friends
incompetent and spineless lazybones
conveniently settled there
by those politicians who help who votes for them
and not who is worthy
crushing worthiness, praising evil
because theft, instead of fairness, gets the best
because the good, instead of the sly, gets the s***
and the brains emigrate ... the brains flee
there's only one thing left and that's meritocracy
praising skills and not the crap
They settle all the sly, absolute fiascos, in the best places
ready to kiss their a*** and crack things up
and when factories blow up
they get more bonuses and another chair.
it's them ruling, it's them squandering money
but when the public debt goes up it's always you paying
and they blabber on in front of a tv camera
pretending to fight and sending the audience up
and so the brains emigrate ... the brains flee
there's only one thing left and that's meritocracy
defeated and annihilated by burocracy
A thousand-headed monster packed with bullshit,
numbers, codicils and catch 22
to overwhelm students and workers
where something as easy as ... joining "a" and "b"
screws you up and makes you go this way
thousands and thousands sitting there stamping
with their nice steady job and time to waste
they cost us heaps but they are untouchable.
and the brains emigrate ... the brains flee
there's only one thing left and that's meritocracy
about which our great politicians don't have a clue
They tax you to the bone, they squeeze out your soul, they suck out your soul
but most of your money goes into black holes
financing political parties and entire lifetime annuities
they feed up the corrupt who live on bribery
their friends are safe, the foxes are safe
they disregard the law and do what they like
but if you just slip up a bit, they'll hang you
it's them robbing you, but it's always you paying
and the brains emigrate ... the brains flee
there's only one thing left and that's meritocracy
let's dig the sly outand let's sweep them out
We have plenties of brains, we can't wait
let's dislodge all shirkers... and let's clean up Italy".
MERITOCRAZIA - Bruno Bozzetto
Comentário mal-educado, como sempre, da minha velha amiga, a 'velha senhora':
ResponderEliminaré itália é portugal
e outros mais no mesmo engano
enrabados tal e qual
pla mesma porra do catano
capital é mal mundial
pró limpar toda me esgano
(o desenho - nada mal
nem bozzetto em italiano)